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AWWA C517 Eccentric Plug Valve

short description:

The AWWA C517 eccentric plug valve is manufactured in accordance with the relevant standards of the American Water Works Association (AWWA). It features an eccentric design. During the opening and closing processes, there is less friction between the plug and the valve seat, effectively reducing wear and tear. It is suitable for water supply and drainage systems and other related systems, boasting excellent sealing performance and operational flexibility, and can stably control the on-off of fluids and regulate the flow rate.

Following Standards:
Series: 5600RTL, 5600R, 5800R, 5800HP

Design standard AWWA-C517
Test Standard AWWA-C517
Flange Standard ANSI B16.1 Class 125
Thread Standard ANSI/ASME B1.20.1-2013

Product Detail

Product Tags

Pressure Rating

Series Connection Nominal Diameter  Cool Water
Working Pressure(psi)
5600R Flange DN100-DN250 175 
DN300-DN1200 150 
5800RTL Thread DN15-DN50 175 
5800R Flange DN50-DN300 175 
DN350-DN1400 150 
5800HP Flange DN80-DN600 250 

Main Components Material

No. Name Material
1 Valve Body (5600R, 5800R) Cast Iron, ASTM A126, Class B
2 Valve Body (5800HP) Ductile Iron, ASTM A536, Grade 65-45-12
3 Plug Head (5600R, 5800R) Cast Iron, ASTM A126, Class B, Nitrile Encapsulation, ASTM D2000
4 Plug Head (5800HP) Ductile Iron, ASTM A536, Grade 65-45-12, Nitrile Encapsulation, ASTM D2000
5 Radial Shaft Bearing T316 Stainless Steel
6 Upper Thrust Bearing Teflon
7 Lower Thrust Bearing T316 Stainless Steel
8 Optional Coating Two-Component Epoxy, Fusion-Bonded Epoxy, Glass Lining, Rubber Lining

Detailed Size of Main Parts

Nominal Diameter Flange Type Thread
DN Inch     A1 A3 F G
15  1/2" - 5800.5RTL   104.9* 47.7  81.0 
20  3/4" - 5800.75RTL   104.9* 47.7  81.0 
25  1" - 5801RTL - 79.5  47.7  81.0 
32  1-1/4" - 5801.25RTL   171.4* 73.1  107.9 
40  1-1/2" - 5801.5RTL   171.4* 73.1  107.9 
50  2" 5802RN 5802RTL 190.5  133.3  73.1  107.9 
65  2-1/2" 5825RN 5825RTN 190.5  222.2  117.6  254 
80  3" 5803RN 5825RTN 203.2  222.2  117.6  254 
100  4" 5804RN - 228.6  - 141.2  277.6 
150  6" 5806RN - 266.7  - 179.3  312.6 
200  8" 5808RN - 292.1  - 222.2  352.5 
SERIES 5800R&5800HP
Nominal Diameter Flange Type Size(mm)
DN Inch   A1 F G H K1
65  2-1/2" 5825R/7A08* 190.50  114.30  190.50  77.72  241.30 
80  3" 5803R/7A08* 203.20  114.30  190.50  77.72  241.30 
100  4" 5804R/7A08* 228.60  141.22  236.47  77.72  241.30 
5804HP/7A08* 295.40 
150  6" 5806R/7A08* 266.70  179.32  280.92  77.72  241.30 
5806HP/7A12* 346.20 
200  8" 5808R/7A12* 292.10  222.25  320.55  77.72  292.10 
5808R/7B16* 238.25 
250  10" 5810R/7C12* 330.20  265.18  412.75  120.65  333.50 
5810R/7D16* 279.40 
300  12" 5812R/7C16* 355.60  317.50  449.33  120.65  279.40 
5812R/7D24* 425.45 
350  14" 5814R/7E18* 431.80  330.20  490.47  142.75  387.35 
5814R/7G12 539.75  246.13  355.60 
400  16" 5816R/7E24* 450.85  368.30  523.75  142.75  434.85 
5816R/7G14 573.02  246.13  371.35 
5816HP/7G18 396.75 
450  18" 5818R/7J30* 546.10  412.75  565.15  142.75  472.95 
5818R/7L24 638.05  187.45  488.95 
500  20" 5820R/7M18 596.90  444.50  666.75  187.45  482.60 
5820R/7P30 555.75 
600  24" 5824R/7M24 762.00  514.35  736.60  187.45  488.95 
5824R/7Q36 292.10  590.55 
800  32" 5830R/7R24 952.50  609.60  787.40  103.12  409.45 
900  36" 5836R/7S30 1320.80  736.60  787.40  103.12  409.45 
5836R/7W36 819.15  266.70  596.90 
1100  44" 5842R/7X30 1574.80  927.10  1117.60  355.60  641.35 
1200  48" 5848R/7X30 2133.60  977.90  1230.88  276.86  701.04 
1400  54" 5854R/7X30 2438.40  977.90  1230.88  276.86  701.04 
1600  Consult Factory
Nominal Diameter Flange Type Size(mm)
DN Inch   A1 F G H K1
80  3" 5803R/7A08* 203.20  114.30  190.50  77.72  241.30 
100  4" 5804R/7A08* 228.60  141.22  236.47  77.72  241.30 
150  6" 5606R/7A12* 342.90  222.25  320.80  77.72  238.25 
200  8" 5608R/7C12* 457.20  265.18  412.75  120.65  246.13 
250  10" 5610R/7C16* 431.80  311.15  449.36  120.65  246.13 
300  12" 5612R/7E18* 549.40  330.20  490.47  143.00  387.35 
5812R/7G12 539.75  246.13  355.60 
350  14" 5614R/7E24* 571.50  368.30  524.00  143.00  473.20 
5614R/7G14 573.02  246.13  371.60 
400  16" 5616R/7J30* 546.10  412.75  565.15  143.00  473.20 
5616R/7L24 617.47  246.13  425.45 
450  18" 5618R/7M18 596.90  444.50  647.70  246.13  425.45 
5618R/7P30 488.95 
500  20" 5620R/7M24 1066.80  514.35  719.07  246.13  425.45 
5620R/7P36 488.95 
600  24" 5624R/7R24 1066.80  609.60  787.40  103.12  409.70 
800  32" 5630R/7S30 1320.80  736.60  787.40  103.12  409.70 
5630R/7W30 819.15  266.70  596.90 
900  36" 5636R/7X30 1524.00  927.10  1066.80  266.70  552.45 
5636R/7Z18 1117.60  355.60  641.35 
1100  44" 5642R/7Z30 2133.60  968.50  1230.88  276.86  922.53 
1200  48" 5648R/7X30 2133.60  968.50  1230.88  276.86  922.53 
1400  Consult Factory
1600  Consult Factory

Product Advantages

Mature Design: With installations across the globe, cam plug valves have proven to be the preferred choice for sewage, industrial wastewater, and treatment applications. Cam plug valves are proportionally eccentric plug valves that allow for cost - effective, low - torque - driven pump control, shut - off, and throttling. The eccentric action on the valve body enables the rotating plug to be seated and unseated with minimal contact, thus preventing high torque and avoiding wear on the valve seat and plug. Combining the eccentric action, stainless - steel bearings, seals, and a heavy - duty nickel seat ensures long - term use with minimal maintenance.

Preferred Features: The cam plug valve is equipped with a shaft sealing system that utilizes V - packing sand - proof seals. This design facilitates maintenance and reduces the number of seals, preventing sand particles and the medium from reaching the bearings and packing, thereby preventing the plug from locking and reducing wear. These seals are standard for both the upper and lower journals. To prevent over - tightening of the packing, the shaft seal uses POPTM (Packing Overload Protection) gaskets. The packing can be easily adjusted by simply using the pull - tab function to remove the POPTM gaskets as needed (Figure 1). Adjusting or replacing the V - packing does not require removing the gear, motor, or cylinder actuator. The bearing set consists of permanently lubricated T316 stainless - steel radial bearings for both the upper and lower journals. The upper thrust bearing is made of Teflon, and the lower thrust bearing is T316 stainless steel. These bearings are protected by sand - proof seals from abrasive wear.

Advanced Technology: The use of the latest valve technology guarantees high - quality valves and long - term service. During the design process, solid modeling and finite element analysis (FEA) of key structural components are employed. Flow and torque data are obtained from flow tests, mathematical models, and computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Manufacturing technology involves automated casting process control and an ISO9001 - certified controlled production process. Each valve is tested in accordance with AWWA C517 and MSS SP - 108 standards, and the tests are conducted on an automatic hydraulic test bench with measuring instruments calibrated to ISO standards.

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